inclusive adj. (opp. exclusive) 1.包围住的,范围广的。 2.包括…的;…也算入的 (of)。 3.一切开支包括在内的。 4.(语言使用上)不分男女的,(用词上)无男女性别歧视的(如不使用chairman而使用chairperson等)。 an inclusive list 详表。 from Jan. 1st to 31st inclusive〔略 incl. 〕从1月1日至31日〔1日与31日在内 (cf. 〔美国〕 Jan. 1st through 31st) 〕。 an inclusive fee (旅馆)连伙食一切包括在内的费用。 a party of ten, inclusive of the host 主客共计十人的聚会。 inclusive of 包含。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
fee n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费。 2.赏金,小账。 3.【历史】(封建时代的)采邑,封地。 4.永租地;永业田,世袭地。 5.所有权;继承财产。 a doctor's fee for a visit 医生的出诊费。 a monthly fee 月薪。 a license fee 牌照费。 a membership fee 会费。 a school [tuition] fee 学费。 fee of permit 执照税,牌照税。 hold in fee (simple) 拥有无条件继承的权利。 vt. 1.给…发薪水,给…小费,向…交手续费,缴(会费)[学费](等)。 2.〔英国〕雇用,聘请。
Expenses for air - conditioning and birthday parties would be included in the inclusive fee 冷气费和生日会支出已计算在收费总额内。
From last year onwards , operators needed to include such expenses in the inclusive fee 由去年起,已规定营办者须把这些支出计算在收费总额内;
There was concern about the lunch fee being excluded from the inclusive fee and thus not being subsidized 有委员关注到午膳费由于没有包括在收费总额内,因而不获资助。
Expenses directly related to all teaching activities provided to all children should be included in the inclusive fee 为儿童提供教学活动的直接有关支出,应计算在收费总额内。
Lunch service was not regarded as an educational need and should thus be separated from the inclusive fee 午膳服务并非视为一种教育需要,所以并没有把有关支出包括在收费总额内;
Subsidies under the kss to ccc would normally increase , which would enable operators to lower the inclusive fee ; and 幼稚园资助计划通常会增加对幼儿中心的补贴,令营办者可减低收费总额;